Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Yakima Hitch

The Lindeman link says that Lindeman and Deere worked together on WW2 Navy Water Buffalos. I can't tell if it was LVT-2 or LVT-4.

This article mentions that the War Production Board had largely shut down Deere tractor production during WW2.

I went through one training exercise where we came down the rope ladders and into landing craft which we rode ashore in. Once ashore, we rode in Amtracs through the swamps. One trick was to make sure every landing craft contained the driver(s) that was to move the equipment in the landing craft through the surf onto the beach. There were people who rode the Amtracs through the plunge into the ocean. Once they bobbed back up, the tracks paddled against the water to propel them to shore.

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